Years ago, I left a full loaf of good old white Wonder Bread out on the counter before leaving for the store. When I got back I discovered that my black lab Shade had grabbed it off the counter and had eaten all of the bread. Somehow she avoided eating the wrapper.
I had shopped at a co-op (Out here that means bulk food store). I left 4 heavy bags with all sorts of nuts, herbs, spices, flours, carob, and chocolate chips out. But they were up high. My 50-ld (at the time) dog got into it. I guess he avoided the plastic well enough. When I came home & saw all the piles of tossed cookies & digested ones too, I assumed he was dead. So many piles of crap. Evidently dogs can't help (?) themselves. But, he was not dead. We went straight to the late-night, extra-charge veterinarian. She said he ate enough chocolate to possibly be poisoned. She said the other groceries may have saved his life by making him vomit. I think psyllium husk was one grocery (hope he mixed it with water because it would fatally block the intestines otherwise). She gave him a special charcoal solution in a huge syringe & I had to give him more later. She said to stay up all night, just in case he became poisoned. Had to stay up to clean anyway, before work the next day. On the way home from the vet, he was still high from all the caffeine in the chocolate. His eyes were twinkling & that jazz song, "I feel good" was on the radio. He turned his head from left to right looking out the Jeep windows to the rhythm of the music, until he turned his head left one more time and tossed his cookies again in the console, and a little on me. A very long night, a very sick dog, a lot of cleaning, and ruined groceries... all because I didn't know my dog could reach up high for food. He ended up fine, but I never bought bulk chocolate chips again. Nor carob.